Written by Greta Andersen


Posted on November 17 2020

We've been on a fondant kick lately! We just love everything you can create with it, the options are endless!

This week we made a "pumpkin pie" slices to top off a cupcake! It's actually somewhat easy, here's how! 

First of all you'll need some fondant of course! We used white fondant and then colored it with fleshtone, sunset orange and buckeye brown food coloring for the pie colors! The pumpkin pie filling is achieved by a mix of buckeye brown and sunset orange. You'll want to dye enough fondant for however many slices of pie you need. 

When you have the colors all made up, you'll want to start off with a ball of the fleshtone color and a ball of the filling color. 

For the pie filling start by pinching and molding the ball into a more triangular shape. Grab a fondant cutter if you want to be extra precise! When you have that shape to your liking, move onto the fleshtone ball.

With this color, roll out the ball into a flat even sheet and then place the pie filling triangle on top! Grab a cutter and cut around the edges so you have a matching shape. Leave an extra flap on the back though so you can fold it over the filling and for the crust! 

Basically just bring that elongated flap up to the top of the pie filling and press it firmly so that it sticks. Then grab a fondant tool or a wooden skewer so you can create the ridges in the pie crust. See photos above for exact details. 

Once you have that all set, all you need is to add the whip cream on top! For that just make a thin snake with the white fondant and then roll it around itself to create that swirled look. Place it on top of the pie and you should have something like we have below! 

That's it, you're done! Repeat these steps until you have the desired amount and then place them on or around your treats! If you found this helpful or you tried this out for yourself we'd love to see your versions! Tag us @layercakeshop on instagram!

Happy baking! 



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